CAS Number: 7439-90-9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UN Number: UN 1056 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DOT Shipping Name: Krypton, Compressed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DOT Classification: 2.2 (Non-Flammable Gas) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Krypton is a non-toxic, non-flammable, monoatomic gas that has no color, odor or taste.
It is inactive under normal conditions. In the gaseous state, Krypton is 2.87 times heavier than air, in the liquid state it is 2.14 times heavier than water. At -153.35°C this gas becomes a liquid, at -157.37°C it solidifies. Krypton is a diffuse gas that can be found mainly in the atmosphere. Under normal conditions, it is able to glow greenish-blue light. The narcotic effect of Krypton on humans is known, because this gas is able to dissolve quickly in body fluids.
Krypton (from the Greek κρυπτός – “hidden”, “secret”) was discovered in June 1898 by English chemists Sir William Ramsay and Morris William Travers.
There are two versions of the origin of Krypton, the justification of which is based on different assumptions. Some scientists believe that Krypton originated in the bowels of the earth. Other scientists are inclined to think that the Universe gave birth to Krypton, and it was originally present in the protoplanetary cloud, from where it later entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Most likely, this gas is a mixture of space and terrestrial components.
Inert heavy gas compounds were first discovered in 1962. But only in 2003 did scientists obtain the organic compound Acetylene with Krypton.

Scopes of Krypton:
- to fill incandescent lighting lamps to reduce energy consumption and increase the service life of the filament;
- Krypton fluorides are used as rocket fuel oxidizers;
- as a heat and sound insulator, it is used when filling window blocks of buildings and premises to reduce energy consumption and increase the comfort of the environment;
- in research activities (medicine, space, diving practice);
- as a component for the production of LCD-matrices.

Ingas LLC gets Krypton brand 5.0 HP, 6.0 UHP by the method of low-temperature distillation.

Formula: Kr | ||||
General Description: monoatomic, non-toxic, chemically inert gas, odorless, colorless and tasteless | ||||
Atomic (molar) mass: 83.798 g/mol | ||||
Properties of the chemical element | 0°С (273.15°K, 32℉) & 760 mm Hg (1 atm (physical), 1.033 at (technical), 101.325 кN/м², 101.325 кPа, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30 in Hg, 760 torr) | 15°С (288.15°K, 59℉) & 760 mm Hg (1 атм (physical), 1.033 at (technical), 101.325 кN/м², 101.325 кPа, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30 in Hg, 760 torr) | 20°С (293.15°K, 68℉) & 760 mm Hg (1 atm (physical), 1.033 at (technical), 101.325 кН/м², 101.325 кPа, 14.7 psia, 0 psig, 30 in Hg, 760 torr) | 15°С (288.16°К, 59℉) & 1 bar (0.987 atm (physical), 1.02 at (technical), 100 кN/м², 100 кPа, 14.5 psia, 0 psig, 29.53 in Hg, 750.062 torr) |
Density at various temperatures and pressures: | 3.7400 kg/m3 | 3.5455 кг/м3 | 3.4857 кг/м3 | 3.5006 кг/м3 |
Specific volume at various temperatures and pressures: | 0.2674 m3/kg | 0.2820 m3/kg | 0.2869 m3/kg | 0.2857 m3/kg |

No | Names of gas and controlled impurities | Formula of an element or chemical compounds | Gas purity and content of its controlled impurities (vol.%, ppmv) | |
Brand 5.0 (HP) | Brand 6.0 (UHP) | |||
1. | Krypton | Kr | 99.999 об.% | 99.9999 об.% |
2. | Oxygen | O2 | ⩽0.5 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
3. | Nitrogen | N2 | ⩽2.0 ppmv | ⩽0.2 ppmv |
4. | Hydrogen | H2 | ⩽1.0 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
5. | Xenon | Xe | ⩽1.0 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
6. | Carbon monoxide + Carbon dioxide | CO+CO2 | ⩽1.0 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
7. | Tetrafluoromethane | CF4 | ⩽1.0 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
8. | Hydrocarbons | ΣCnHm | ⩽0.5 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |
9. | Moisture | H2O | ⩽1.0 ppmv | ⩽0.1 ppmv |