For transportation and storage of inert and technical gases, as well as gas mixtures, mainly steel cylinders are used. Due to the nature of a product such as gas, cylinders are not only reusable packaging, but also reusable packaging. Therefore, gas cylinders need timely repair, maintenance and subsequent examination.
Why it is needed.
Transportation of most technical gases and their mixtures is associated with a high risk. And this is not only because of the toxicity, explosiveness or flammability of some gases, but also because they are stored in cylinders under high pressure. In such a position, the smallest malfunction can have serious consequences. Timely repair and inspection is in this case a matter of paramount importance.
How is the repair and inspection of cylinders for technical gases.
The frequency of checking the state of gas cylinders is prescribed in the “Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels” and for different gases this period is different.
Steel cylinders for gases in which corrosion occurs faster than 0.1 mm per year should be inspected at least once every two years. And cylinders for gases in which corrosion processes proceed more slowly than 0.1 mm per year are subject to certification at least once every five years.
The requirements of technical conditions and state standards for operation allow only cylinders, the full serviceability of which is confirmed by tests. The first such test is carried out at the factory by the manufacturer, and later, after a certain period, they are subject to re-examination, that is, they undergo a complete test of the integrity of all parts. If the cylinder loses the necessary strength, it is recycled. Minor faults are eliminated and the vessel returns for further operation.
With the majority of cylinders carried out the following work:
- Careful inspection of the inner and outer surface. For example, when a skew or weakening of the shoe nozzle is detected (loss of stability in an upright position). The cylinder is not allowed to further examination and for the continuation requires the transfer of the shoe.
- For a better study of the cylinder, it is carefully cleaned. Free from gas residues and get rid of dirt and rust with a water jet under pressure until the water flowing out of the vessel is clean.
- To remove fatty contaminants, substances such as refrigerant, which is a refrigerant and solvent, serving as a degreaser, and dichloroethane, which serves as a paint thinner and also a degreaser, are used.
- Check the mass and volume of the vessel. The balloon is weighed empty and filled with water. Since the density of water is close to unity, the mass difference shows the volume of the vessel.
- Hydraulic test. It shows the ability of the walls of the cylinder to withstand high pressure for a long time.
To confirm the complete malfunction or the possibility of operation after the repair, an additional inspection is carried out to identify certain defects. And cylinders are removed from service, in the walls of which there are serious defects, such as dents, cracks and shells with a depth of more than 10% of the vessel wall thickness. With such damage, the vessel may not withstand high pressure. The same reason for decommissioning are vyshcherlin, damage and wear thread neck.
No less important part of the cylinder is the valve. It must be in good condition. At the slightest malfunction, the cylinder with such a valve is not allowed to be used until the malfunction has been rectified. After the repair, which required parsing, the valve also passes the tests, which should confirm its operability.
To carry out the necessary activities, INGAS LLC has all the necessary permits, and also has a staff of specialists who have undergone special training and have all the necessary documents for the work to be performed.
We provide the following services for the inspection and repair of gas cylinders:
- external and internal inspection;
- valve repair;
- valve replacement;
- cleaning the cylinder;
- checking the mass of the cylinder;
- capacitive measurements;
- hydraulic test;
- drying;
- coloring;
- marking.
You can place an order or get additional information by contacting the managers of INGAS LLC.